Introducing the mammoth Ego Buster Burger challenge, created by father and son team at Sorrento’s, Cardiff. This beast of a burger was created as a way for meat lovers to enjoy great quality food and have a bit of fun at the same time. Anyone who completes the challenge makes it onto the Sorrento’s wall of fame, but as owner and Chef, Collin says, it’s not about finishing the burger, it’s about enjoying the food.

Each ego-buster contains two 6oz and one 8oz beef burger, which are all handmade. Each burger contains around 20% fat, which melts off during the cooking process, leaving behind a juicy, and flavoursome burger. Each burger is layered with mature melted cheddar, smoked back bacon, slices of juicy beef tomato and broad leaf salad. All of this is stacked carefully and topped with a poached egg before being sandwiched between lightly toasted brioche buns. The already towering burger is then skewered and crowned with Sorrento’s signature onion rings and peppadew garnish. The whole thing is then surrounded by a gigantic pile of skinny fries, seasoned to perfection.

Naturally, we had to try it! Four of the hungriest Kukd team members put themselves forward for the challenge! Who is your money on?

Kukd team take on 20oz burger challenge at Sorrentos Cardiff

If you would like to take on the ego buster, head over to now. Sorrento’s also offer the ego buster to-go, with easy and secure online payment from their grab and go menu, which can be found here.

If you would like to suggest a food challenge for our champion to take on let us know by emailing